Saturday, January 16, 2010

What's Cooler Than Chia Pet? Mushroom Mini Farm!

I lovvvvveee fungi! Well, those that produce fruiting bodies aka mushroom in particular. I like studying about fungi as well as eating them of course. If it has mushroom in it, I'll order it. So my "fetish" with mushroom is well known among my friends, so for Christmas, my friend Diana bought me some mushroom mini farm from Far West Mushroom located at the SF Ferry Builiding. Thanks Di!

The sprawn she gave me is Shiitake. I love fresh shiitake mushroom, especially in shaub-shabu. I am not a fan of dried shiitake mushroom because there is always this tiny bitterness to it if it's not cooked right, and it's hard if it's not soaked or cooked enough. But I must say that dried shiitake has a stronger flavor.

I am growing the sprawn at work since I don't have room on my desk at home. I am going to track the growth process day by day except for weekend.

The Shiitake Sprawn comes in a wrapped plastic bag that is filled with air and moisture.

Day 1 & 2 - Look exactly the same, with a decrease in moisture in the bag since holes were puncture to allow air in.

Day 3 - First signs of fruiting body! Woohoo! It's beautiful! The harvest is going to take a week or two according to the bag. I am super excited!

I will update more on this later, hopefully the first harvest will consist of many!

Ohh! I just saw a pair of Blue Jay outside in the backyard. They're gorgeous! I feel inspired!

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