Friday, February 19, 2010

I Won, Yay!

My work hosted a Lunar New Year cooking contest today. The contest has three catagory: appetizer, main dish and dessert. I entered myself into the dessert one. I was excited not because I want to win, but mainly to see people's reaction to my mango lime cream tart below (recipe here).

I felt bad even though I won because a lot of people entered into the main dishes one and so the chance of winning for them decreased. But yes, I did not know there were only a few people who entered dessert until the day of the competition. I am happy I won but I felt that it wasn't fair.

Anyhow, I think the reaction to the mango lime cream tart was pretty good, but I am sure there is always room for improvement. =)

Oh yeah, I won a 52 pieces kitchen tools set which includes knifes, spatula and such. Cool beans!

I love strawberries and mangoes! The smell, the color and the taste!

My lucky number...7!

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